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Automate your digital
media recruitment

Gaia will help you:
  • Put jobs in front of millions of active and passive candidates
  • Attract relevant top-tier talent
  • Deliver premium candidate experiences
  • Reduce your cost per hire
  • Cut your time to hire
  • Open up new diverse pools of candidates
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Our results and clients

speak for themselves

“The tools that Gaia offered to help drive people to our website, has really helped!”
Nicola Plenderleith
Head of Talent Acquisition at Leyton
“The idea being that they're applying to our schools, and the interview day, we've got five, six, seven people to interview rather than just one person.”
Jillur Rahman
Regional Director at CST
“We decided to use Gaia because they offered innovative solutions to age-old problems.”
Senior HR Professional
The Thomas Adams School
“And something that we've been focusing on here at the school is looking at the diversity of our staff and the diversity within our recruitment processes.”
Will Cullen
Head of HR at King’s House
“Gaia understood what we were looking for, target that candidate market based on what we were trying to achieve for each campaign ”
Catherine Crowley
Head of People’s Operations at Travel Lodge
“A couple of the applicants actually came to us and said...that it was only because we were advertising that they applied and they haven't applied to other jobs locally.”
Ian Yapp
Principal at King James’s School
“...and what I'd say the key is that people listen and respond to our needs and when we need need them to respond to...”
Nick Hurn
Chief Executive Officer at BWCET
“A really flexible organisation that allows us to work in partnership with them to get our recruitment strategy and messages right.”
David Fisher
Headteacher at Kings Langley School
“We have been able to reach people who would not have come across us. It’s just opened up a whole world of candidates!”
HR & Recruitment Partner
“We've had some people who said that they weren't necessarily looking for jobs, but because they've seen on their social media and it looked interesting, they applied and we hired them.”
Alice Pitt
HR Advisor at Royal High School of Bath
“You write short, snappy copy because I say what I want and then you guys turn it around.”
Harriet Canavan
Marketing Manager at Sibford Shcool
“Gave us really detailed insights to help us decide what’s the best approach to meeting our needs.”
Louise Coulbeck
Head of Talent Acquisition
“A lot of data and statistics around the types of reach that our adverts are having in terms of both area and gender, ethnicity and to be able to kind of target our efforts to those harder to reach places.”
Hayley Shaw
Head of HROD at City of Bristol College
“I now feel like I have more time and actually the job is being done by a professional company who will know their way around each and every social platform in some depth.”
John Newbould
Head of Marketing at Bolton School
“We decided to use Gaia because it's basically tapping into the pool of candidates that is passive and isn't necessarily going out of their way to look at job boards.”
Angela Bull
Director of HR at Unity Schools
“You literally doubled the number of applicants that we received for this role, bigger pool, bigger opportunity to get the right person.”
Sarah Agar-Brennan
Head of Enterprise at University of Huddersfield
“It fit with our values and thus to be different and stand out in the marketplace.”
James O'Loughlin
Head of Talent Aquisiton at Moore Barlow
“Running our campaigns via Gaia meant that we can run brand awareness and recruitment campaigns…all with one provider.”
Adele Chaplin
Media Manager
“Gaia targeted the candidates for us and we actually got 3 more candidates than we needed so we did actually make those positions and took them onboard.”
Kirstin Crabbe
Head of Resourcing at Sustrans
“I came to Gaia to learn new strategies and to sort of get ahead of the game so I can boost up what teachers we're getting in right now.”
Abbie Wheeler
Head’s PA at The Mulberry School
“They're really fun and easy to work with. The bulk of the work that I would usually do is given to Gaia”
Bav Dhanda
Recruitment Marketing & Engagement Officer
“Some of the quality of the applications wasn't as high as it had been in the past before using you guys.”
Gill Gildersleve
HR Manager at Waldegrave School
“We were able to do campaigns for specific roles and specific locations and also the fact that we were able to get the name out there.”
Diane Sokolyk
HR Consultant

Case studies

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